Friday, May 28, 2010

The Pirate Bay Proxy

Theres a Proxy service for The Pirate bay ( if your having trouble accessing the site due to your ISP/work/college restrictions. Some ISP's like Eircom in Ireland have banned The Pirate Bay, so now theres a workaround :)


spread the news!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

if people are looking for dreads
Dread service in ireland.
based in waterford
can travel to dublin to do dreads.
Dreadlocks are beautiful :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fuck Ryanair.. i love amsterdam.

Yesterday i leave amsterdam, i had been here for 8 days for my birthday and loved every min of it, partys, people, squats, pubs, squatting action that turned a little nasty because it turned out the house was belonged to some sort of morrocon mafia..

5 mins after the squatting action there was a screech of a car and 2 guys jumped out, we gathered around the door about 20 strong making sure they couldnt get near. A small fight broke out and it took over 15 mins for the cops to arrive. when they did more and more of the gangsters arrived and starting causing trouble.. the cops said we were within our rights to squat the house and that the "owners" would have to take it easy and probably start legal proceedings.. this didnt sit very well with them, as more and more of the gangsters arrived we all went into the house, in total about 30 of us were inside..

so after about a hour of being inside and the cops were keeping the gangsters in order although they were shouting they were going to kill us while we sleep and that they are going to shoot us etc without a care regarding the cops, we left under the watch of the police and the people that whated to keep the house stayed in.

we went to a meeting point and had a talk about the situation and that they needed more barracades, about a hour later 5 of us went to get barracades and the others took a detour to the house, we met on the corner and like a flash mob we ran around the corner, everyone pushed the cops and the gangsters back and we got the barracades in the door and the door was shut before anyone knew what was actually happening.. there was a cheer from the windows and we cheered back, then there was the ring of sirens in the air, we started to walk, we had gotten about 150meters away from the house and the cops arrived looking confused because we wernt resisting or trying to start trouble. great success..!

we went back to the meeting point, we decided that we were going to have a noise demo but first we were to go past the house and to either make some noise there or just make it known that we are a strong force, a city wide alarm was sent out, people came to the meeting point and after a quick head count i think we were about 100 strong..

When we got to the house people inside wanted to leave for whatever reason.. the cops were back in their cars but were close, there was some of the gangsters at the door and we told them we are going to move them if they dont move because people want to leave etc.. they said it wasnt going to happen, we forcefully started to move them.. a surge of about 100 people moving only 3 or 4 gangsters because the others ran into the solvennrs shop next door for protection. One guy started screaming he was going to shoot and tryed to get his hand into his jacket, the owner was visably a bit shook at the amount of people that were there and the reaction and revolt against the so called gangsters. he started to lash out at some of the bloc. he was attacked and beaten in the face by one or 2 of the people in the surge of more and more people pushing.

a few secong laster the cops got in the middle of everything with their batons, there was a bit of confusion from all sides, it was unclear if the cops were there to stop us, to stop the gangsters or both of us, i dont think the cops knew either, they paused for about 20 seconds screaming with their batons drawn, the owner lashed out again and he was hit a few blows in the head from one of the people in the demo. the cops started bashing people, one of the people in the bloc was struck in the face first, he fell to the ground screaming, in trying to get him out of harms way we were beaten by a hail of batons, i was hit in the hand and arm, when i turned my back to try push the injured guy back after we got him off the ground i was sruck in the shoulder once or twice, other people were hit in the head or arms..

when i looked back half of the group had dissapeared down the roud in fear of being hit, we started to run back from the cops.. they started to run after us and hit anyone that was close to them, one guy was repeatidly beaten but he just walked with a smile screaming "i cant feel anything"

as more and more cops arrived the chief started screaming at other officers who were thinking they were robocop on a mission to kill.. they formed a line and started to charge us, we ran back around a corner past shops and restaurants that were quickly shutting doors and blocking windows,
and then, the cops stopped.. they watched us go around the corner and didnt come after us, they watched from a distance to see what would happen next..

we went back to the meeting point and had a disscussion, the guy that was struck in the head was brought to hospital, it turned out that one guy had been arrested and that many people were injured but not so bad.. we decided to have our noise demo at the cop station where the guy was being held, the media came down and recorded us, we smashed paving slabs and bashed them on street lights, threw them across the river trying to hit the cop station unseccessfully.. we let of some fireworks and just made as much noise as possible. The cops arrived with dogs but didnt come near us, they just watched from a distance.. after that we went back to a squat and hung out for a bit talking about the few hours of actions we had.. it was a nice day.. the house is still ours, the owner has written a death threat to the people inside the house and still has people outside it trying to intimadate.. but in the end they will either be violent or start legal procedings.

as for ryanair.. i went to get my flight, i checked in online 2 days before my flight, got a train to eindhoven, then a bus to the airport, when i went to check in they said i didnt check in online although i had it printed out, apparentally it wasnt on the system. they wanted 40 euros from me to let me bored the plane, i only had ten.. so i couldnt afford it, i only had 10 left. i jumped the bus back to the train station but in the middle a inspecter got on and threw me off.. i got the next bus but bought a ticket, i got to the train station an found that the train was going to cost me 18euro from eindhoven to amsterdam central..

i had 7 euros.. i spent the next 2 hours at the station pan handling and begging for money.. i got enough to get to central, i got on the train and just before utrechet there was a problem with the train, they thought it was on fire, it turned out to be a brake that got stuck and was smoking really bad. we were taken off the train at utrechet and put on another train.. it brought me to schipol airport and from there they wanted me to pay another 4 euros to get to central eltho i had already payed my fare. wankers.

i had to panhandle another 3 euros.. i got the train and made it back to central by 11pm.. i started traveling that day at 1pm.. i left eindhoven airport at 4.. got my first train back towards amsterdam at 6:10.. and arrived at 11pm.. it was horrible.

now im here and have booked to fly home on the 2nd. grrr.. i hate ryanair.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

stiches for snitches.

2 more days and i leave my footprint behind, ill have marked most people here, or at least most of the people that ive stayed with, if there was ever a place that felt more like home than my own bedroom.. this place is it, no one cares about how you look, your bad habits, infact alot of them are encouraged, eating trash for example, theres nothing i like more than to reuse peoples waste especially if it means i get a huge meal from it for free.

where im living in ireland theres not many places one can go dumpster food, infact its pretty tough, ive a few places on my list to check now that i think of them, the smaller shops in housing estates usually have a wall and the dumpster is behind it. sounds like fun no? :P

lyin here in this sleeping bag on richies bed, hes gone to berlin to study a bit of farming, i didnt even get to say goodbye to the chap, completely diffrent from when he was growin gup, he used to be a complete drunk punk, dont get me wrong theres nopthing wrong with that, just alot of the time it leads down the road to disaster.. now hes completely eco minded and trying to be as self sufficiant as possible. (then i came along and kinda fucked it up for him one night when i got into a mess and convinced him to)

every night ive been here ive been drinking, not the best of ideas but its so cheap here you can get wasted on 10 euro if you try.. now how can one turn down an offer like that?! im waking up without hangovers as well.. thats a bad sign now isnt it? or maby im just drinking some naturally brewed beer and havent realized it..

if i didnt have a big fuckin reason to go home id for sure live here, it dosent take much to move over and open a house, just find the history and a few other things and then crack that door. its more like family over here, im going to be sad leaving everyone, in my own way i care alot for them, alot of them id give up blood for in every sence of the word.

fuck me, its nearly 4pm. ive to go tattoo..


Sunday, February 15, 2009

nothing added but time.

All is well in the mind, being away again has helped me come to terms with plenty of conflicts ive had within myself, mainly with the mother land, now im happy enough to return knowing that everything is going to work out and the things that bothered me before have been solved, partially the reason to return i guess, life here is so cheap and easy, living for free, enjoying great meals with amazing people, the scene here is much more alive than most scenes ive seen in years, not only are they good friends but they are like a family, sometimes that can cause a lot of personal issues which ive seen first hand, its not the "anarchist way' to settle down and get into a relationship, so theres alot of open sex and free love so to speak, but comes with it are peoples emotions and jealousy.. well we are only human, you cant close yourself off from all feelings.. it seems the younger generation of the scene have a better handle of that side of things mainly because they are young and not many of them are that politically involved in groups and or the scene.. still though, its great to see so many people getting along :)

soon to go home, its going to be great to finally sign the papers and see my little squirrdle, today i seen a picture of her and shes so big, shes changed alot, i just really hope and i guess its my bigges fear that she hasn forgotten me, only time will tell i guess, i have all the time in the world now..

so much time on my hands now after loosing my job, loads of questions like what am i going to do with all my spare time, i can spend only so much of it with my wee one and after that i was really wondering what im actually going to do, after going to a few workshops here and speaking to some really super cool people, ive decided i want to fix up the garden for the summer so i can play with my baby there, that and because it will be a nice place to hang out and perhaps have a few cans with some people and socialize.. i want to make the house cut down on waste, compost as much of what i can and recycle and reuse.. that will take some time but again ive all the time in the world, also i want to goto dublin a bit and hang out with so many people that i was once close to and have now drifted, theres a few people in particular.. just before i left i had some food with someone and something was telling me not to go or to at least get in touch when i get back so thats the plan anyways.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Anxiety - another gift from you to me.

today i realized that ive a habit of seeing things that aren't.. romanticizing situations and thinking they are more than what they actually are, in saying that im glad i experienced the times but its not healthy to see further than you can and try predict the future, today is a low, im reflecting on an emil i sent to my mother, about everything that going on in my life, about things that have happened in the past, feelings that have been brewing and her answer was that she feels shes not a good parent and shes sorry, ultimatly i never asked to be here to go through the shit life has to throw at you, i never asked to join the table and have cards delt to me but im not one for backing down, people come to me with their problems, they ask me for help and for advice.. usually it works out for them and they are greatful, even if they never say so i understand that they are, but what gets me is when its my problem, its me that cant answer my own problems, i cant sort out my own life or give myself advice, where are the people with the good advice and help i need when im struggling?

Jack Daniels is a good companion when your feeling low, it warms you up and it feels like theres something or someone wrapped around you like a blanket keeping you warm, slowly releasing the grip in your chest thats stopping your breath, Anxiety is a strange one, it is a physiological and psychological state characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional and behavioral components, they are combined to create an unpleasant feeling that is typically associated with uneasiness, apprehension or worry. Its a normal reasction to stress in life, especially those that have more than just your average run of the mill stress bouts in life.. In general i think i have an anxiety disorder..

what is someone supposed to do when they cant see their kid, cant eat, cant sleep, dont want to interact with friends, cant sort out their own problems but can sort out everyone elses? cant get their head around their once in a lifetime job and feel like they havent made any progress at all? go to the doc? take some pills and hopefully it will make it all better? Im trying to write things down and get them off my chest.. it seems to be doing the job, but its only temporary.
How do you fill that void you have, that someone once filled, and throughout your life youve been looking for something or someone to fill the gap? and when you meet someone but its not what the other party wants and you havent the heart to say anything because it would cause undue preassue and distroy a friendship.. what does one do there? theres so many questions that i can never answer by myself, i know there are millions more people out there that go through whet im going through day in day out without tellin a soul, but some people just cant take it and have to talk, some people seek professional help, then there are some that try write down whats going on in their head and still feel like they are rotting from the inside out.

the jack is just finished.. i guess for now so am i.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Assassinators 2 Albums


This new upcoming band from copenhagen rocks all the way! theydeliver us 6 danceable, catchy, and melody driven songs with a beautiful female voice. The 6 tracks sounds like a perfect mix between all those hip k-town punk bands (NO HOPE FOR THE KIDS, GORILLA ANGREB) and the french anarcho-punk legend LA FRACTION.

01. sandholm
02. naar voksne leger
03. mens verden flyver
04. under blodsroede skyer
05. universets parasitter
06. regnvejr



01. foerste tag i resten af mid liv
02. blaa blink
03. natten braender
04. alting gaar i sort


Download Both At: