Tuesday, February 17, 2009

stiches for snitches.

2 more days and i leave my footprint behind, ill have marked most people here, or at least most of the people that ive stayed with, if there was ever a place that felt more like home than my own bedroom.. this place is it, no one cares about how you look, your bad habits, infact alot of them are encouraged, eating trash for example, theres nothing i like more than to reuse peoples waste especially if it means i get a huge meal from it for free.

where im living in ireland theres not many places one can go dumpster food, infact its pretty tough, ive a few places on my list to check now that i think of them, the smaller shops in housing estates usually have a wall and the dumpster is behind it. sounds like fun no? :P

lyin here in this sleeping bag on richies bed, hes gone to berlin to study a bit of farming, i didnt even get to say goodbye to the chap, completely diffrent from when he was growin gup, he used to be a complete drunk punk, dont get me wrong theres nopthing wrong with that, just alot of the time it leads down the road to disaster.. now hes completely eco minded and trying to be as self sufficiant as possible. (then i came along and kinda fucked it up for him one night when i got into a mess and convinced him to)

every night ive been here ive been drinking, not the best of ideas but its so cheap here you can get wasted on 10 euro if you try.. now how can one turn down an offer like that?! im waking up without hangovers as well.. thats a bad sign now isnt it? or maby im just drinking some naturally brewed beer and havent realized it..

if i didnt have a big fuckin reason to go home id for sure live here, it dosent take much to move over and open a house, just find the history and a few other things and then crack that door. its more like family over here, im going to be sad leaving everyone, in my own way i care alot for them, alot of them id give up blood for in every sence of the word.

fuck me, its nearly 4pm. ive to go tattoo..


Sunday, February 15, 2009

nothing added but time.

All is well in the mind, being away again has helped me come to terms with plenty of conflicts ive had within myself, mainly with the mother land, now im happy enough to return knowing that everything is going to work out and the things that bothered me before have been solved, partially the reason to return i guess, life here is so cheap and easy, living for free, enjoying great meals with amazing people, the scene here is much more alive than most scenes ive seen in years, not only are they good friends but they are like a family, sometimes that can cause a lot of personal issues which ive seen first hand, its not the "anarchist way' to settle down and get into a relationship, so theres alot of open sex and free love so to speak, but comes with it are peoples emotions and jealousy.. well we are only human, you cant close yourself off from all feelings.. it seems the younger generation of the scene have a better handle of that side of things mainly because they are young and not many of them are that politically involved in groups and or the scene.. still though, its great to see so many people getting along :)

soon to go home, its going to be great to finally sign the papers and see my little squirrdle, today i seen a picture of her and shes so big, shes changed alot, i just really hope and i guess its my bigges fear that she hasn forgotten me, only time will tell i guess, i have all the time in the world now..

so much time on my hands now after loosing my job, loads of questions like what am i going to do with all my spare time, i can spend only so much of it with my wee one and after that i was really wondering what im actually going to do, after going to a few workshops here and speaking to some really super cool people, ive decided i want to fix up the garden for the summer so i can play with my baby there, that and because it will be a nice place to hang out and perhaps have a few cans with some people and socialize.. i want to make the house cut down on waste, compost as much of what i can and recycle and reuse.. that will take some time but again ive all the time in the world, also i want to goto dublin a bit and hang out with so many people that i was once close to and have now drifted, theres a few people in particular.. just before i left i had some food with someone and something was telling me not to go or to at least get in touch when i get back so thats the plan anyways.